Privacy Policy


In accordance with Organic Spanish Law 15/1999, of 13 December on Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) and with the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Procedure of development of LOPD (hereinafter RDLOPD), B y S CARGA GENERAL, S.L. (hereinafter BSCARGO) wishes to notice the users of the website its policy as regards to the management and protection of personal details of those people who voluntarily use e-mail in order to contact BSCARGO or any other service present in the website that implies the communication of their personal details to BSCARGO.

BSCARGO informs users of the website that this privacy and protection of personal data policy contains every aspect related to the management of personal data that BSCARGO carries out, as responsible for the latter, through the website of BSCARGO. It is the task of the user to read the said policy. If the user, after reading this document, continues using its services, he or she will be accepting this privacy and management of personal data policy. Otherwise the user must quit the website.

The user is also informed that any management of personal data will be kept under the scope of the enforcement of current legislation in Spain as regards to personal data protection, established by LOPD and its complementary and development regulations.

For these purposes, personal data will be considered any information concerning a natural person, identified or identifiable, including e-mail addresses and/or IP addresses. User will be considered any natural person, identified or identifiable, who communicates his or her personal data to BSCARGOthrough the use of any of the services of its website.

Identification of the trade name of the responsible for the file

BSCARGO informs the user of the website the existence of several management procedures and personal data files for which the entity responsible is B y S CARGA GENERAL, S.L. with company tax code B 76348093 and head office at AVDA. DE LOS CAMBULLONEROS, S/N. Edificio La Luz Market. 35008 Las Palmas de G.C., where these personal data, which the user communicates to BSCARGO through the said website, are collected and stored.

Purposes of these personal data, information and consent

The users that access the website of BSCARGO are not obliged to provide personal data in order to use the latter. However, BSCARGO has available, in particular and not limited to, the personal data petition forms that enable users to access the following services of the website:

  • Request the Newsletter of the entity.
  • Send curriculum vitae with the purpose of becoming part of the employment exchange.
  • Request budgets or offer of services to the different business divisions of the corporation.

When the user does not maintain commercial relations with BSCARGO, the former must bear in mind and be acknowledged that the sending of an e-mail to BSCARGO or any communication from the user to BSCARGO of any personal data implies the free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent of the user for BSCARGO to manage the user’s personal data. The said management of data will be carried out according to the following purposes: answer the communications received, sending the requested information to BSCARGO and, if applicable, when the user requests or uses any of the specific services, manage the sending of the newsletter as well as manage the user’s profile on the job exchange service of the entity. Otherwise, if the user does not agree, he or she must not send e-mails or communicate his or her personal data to BSCARGO.

Personal information will only be used for limited purposes, as those previously mentioned and/or not limited, and as those communicated to the interested party prior to the capture and management of data.

In order to provide the services offered through the website, BSCARGO can request in any moment personal data to the users of its website by means of forms. In this case, BSCARGO will include an informative communication on the form, indicating all the conditions for the management of personal data according to article 5 of LOPD, such as the compulsory or optional nature of the answer to questions, the consequences of data capture or of the refusal to provide the said data, the purposes of data capture, possible transfer of data, which will require the consent to manage personal data.

Identification of addressees to which BSCARGO plans to transfer or communicate the said data

BSCARGO only plans to transfer or communicate the said data, according to article 11.2.c of LOPD, in order to comply with its obligations as regards to Public Administrations in those cases required by current legislation, as well as other bodies such as Judges, Public Prosecutors, Courts, Court of Auditors or Ombudsman.

Moreover, BSCARGO informs the user that any other data transfer will be brought to his or her attention when established by LOPD. The user will be informed of any other data transfer required, if established by LOPD, and will be expressly, precisely and unequivocally informed of the addressees of the information, the purposes of the transfer and of the nature of the data transferred. For these purposes, in every of the data request forms provided on its website, BSCARGO will inform the interested parties of the addressees of the data.

Other addressees of the said information

BSCARGO warns the user that this entity is only responsible and only guarantees the confidentiality, security and management of the data according to this policy, as regards to the personal data the users provide through the website, and has no responsibility whatsoever for subsequent management and use of personal data that third IT service providers could carry out.

Third IT service providers shall be, but not limited to, any natural or legal person who provides the following services: (i) Transmission through a communication network of data of the addressees of the service, (ii) Services of access to the said network, (iii) Services of storage of data, (iv) Provision of contents.

Moreover, BSCARGO will not be responsible for the management of data carried out by third parties that establish hypperlinks with BSCARGO or with third parties to which BSCARGO sends the users of its website through hypperlinks.

Data quality

BSCARGO warns users that other than the existence of a legally constituted representation, no user can use the identity of a different person and communicate his or her personal data. The user must bear in mind that, by using the e-mail, he or she will only be able to include his or her personal data. For these purposes, the user will be the only responsible for any damage, direct and/or indirect, caused to third parties or to BSCARGO for the use of personal data of a different person, or of his or her personal data if these are false, incorrect, not updated or inadequate. Moreover, the user who communicates personal data to a third party will be liable to the latter for the obligation of information established by article 5.4 of LOPD.

Data of minors or unfit

If the user is under age or unfit, BSCARGO draws attention on the need to have the express consent of his or her parents or legal representatives in order to communicate his or her personal data. As a consequence BSCARGO kindly requests that minors should not use the e-mail service if they do not have the consent of their parents, tutors or legal representatives, as BSCARGO will not be responsible for the actions of the minor or unfit.

Data update

The user is the only source of information of his or her personal data. Therefore, BSCARGO kindly requests its users to, in order to keep these data updated according to the LOPD, communicate to the address provided any modification of the said details.

Exercise of rights of opposition, access, modification and cancelation of data

BSCARGO informs the user the possibility to exercise his or her rights of opposition, access, modification and cancelation through a written application sent to BSCARGOto the following address: IT manager of BYS Carga General S.L. Paseo de Caro, s/n. 46024 Valencia. The interested party must include a photocopy of his or her ID card.

Cancellation of the service of electronic commercial communications according to the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce

The user, who voluntarily subscribes for the Newsletter BSCARGO through the subscription checkbox at the foot of the website, will receive the said publication at the address he or she provided for this purpose.

If the user is no longer interested on this Newsletter, he or she will be able to cancel the service. In order to do so, BSCARGO will inform the user in every commercial communication of the means to cancel the said service and revoke the consent to manage the user’s personal data.

“Cookies” and “Beacons”

In order to guarantee that the website is managed correctly and to provide a user friendly navigation, BSCARGO and its service providers will be able to use “cookies” (short text files stored in the browser of the user) or “web beacons” (electronic images that allow the website to count the number of visits to the website and access certain “cookies”) in order to store and add information. BSCARGO will be able to use these tools to track information in its systems and to identify the categories of the uses of its website by points such as IP addresses, domain, type of browser and pages visited. The Webmaster of BSCARGO will receive this information and will use it to analyze the number of visits and users of the different areas of the site and to grant the usefulness of our website as useful and effective source of information.

“Cookies” and “web beacons” store personal information such as names or electronic addresses. Most browsers allow users to reject “cookies”. It is worth mentioning that in specific circumstances, access can be denied to certain parts of our website to those visitors and users whose browsers do not allow the use of “cookies”.

Security measures implemented as regards to the management of personal data

BSCARGO informs its users that, according to LOPD and RDLOPD, the entity has implemented technical and organization measures in order to grant the security of personal data and to avoid modification, loss, unauthorized management or access, given the estate of technology, nature of data stored and risks to which the latter are exposed, either induced by human action or physical or natural environment, and that will only store personal data in files that gather the conditions determined by the Regulation as regards to its integrity and security and those of the centers of management, premises, devices, systems and programs. Moreover, BSCARGO grants its users the commitment of professional secrecy as regards to personal data of users and the commitment to store them.

Personal data published on the website of BSCARGO

Concerning those personal data published through the website it comes to the knowledge of users that the said data are part of an ownership and responsibility management of BSCARGO where they have been introduced with the previous and informed consent of the interested parties. These data cannot be managed freely or reproduced by third users of the website, not even with a reference to the origin of the data (in this case the website, unless the latter have obtained previous authorization and written consent of the user him/herself.

Personal data published on the website of BSCARGO are contact details, that can only be used by third users of the website with the only purpose of contacting BSCARGO with professional purposes and/or corporate purpose of BSCARGO, being expressly prohibited any other different uses of those previously established, including sending advertising information and/or commercial, as well as the introduction of the said data in third data bases and/or data management without the previous and informed consent of the interested parties. BSCARGO will not be in any case responsible for the uses of third users of the website

Moreover, users are cautioned that, according to the Spanish Agency of Personal Data Protection, the Internet is not an open source in order to obtain personal details and manager data with advertising purposes.

Recommendations to users

BSCARGO must recommend its users to use the latest software versions for your browser, as these have more security measures.

Moreover, BSCARGO recommends its users to use security measures available (secure web servers, cryptography, digital signature, firewall, etc.) in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their data, as there are risks of identity theft or violation of communication.

BSCARGO must remind its users that the Internet is not safe. However, there are different measures that allow the improvement of data protection. Therefore, users should implement any means available in order to protect their data and communications, such as codification for confidential e-mail and access codes for PCs.

BSCARGO must warn its users that every time they provide personal information through the Internet by e-mail, news groups, forums, etc., they should bear in mind that this information could be tracked and used with other purposes different to those of the user. Therefore, BSCARGO recommends users to recover information about confidentiality and privacy policies of the online sites they visit.

BSCARGO warns its users that they should bear in mind that, unless they use encryptation measures, e-mail on the Internet is not safe. E-mail messages and forum discussions can be target of forgery and theft of identity. If users do not want to publish their e-mail address, they must configure their browsers so that web servers they access do not register their e-mail address.

Update of policies

Occasionally, BSCARGO will update its policies of privacy and management of user personal data of its website.

Any modification of this policy will be published and informed on the website of BSCARGO and on the policy itself. Every user must bear in mind that data management will comply with the established and current regulation at the moment he or she provided his or her personal details to BSCARGO.

In any case, the user will be responsible for regularly accessing the privacy policies that BSCARGO publishes in order to know the latest version.

BSCARGO reminds users that if reading this document they continue to use its web services, the latter will be expressly accepting these privacy and personal data management policies. Otherwise, BSCARGO kindly suggests its users to quit the website.

Contact information

BSCARGO will be very glad to receive any comments that users can provide as regards to these privacy and personal data protection policies. For this purpose or for any other doubts related to this matter, users can contact BSCARGO by electronic means or by postal mail at the following address:

BYS Carga General S.L, AVDA. DE LOS CAMBULLONEROS, S/N. Edificio La Luz Market. 35008 Las Palmas de G.C. (SPAIN)